Security Blog

Dynamic Application Security Testing Explained

Arturs Smirnovs

According to a report by Accenture, 43% of cyberattacks target small firms, while just 14% are ready to defend themselves. This figure reveals an essential issue facing our digital age: many businesses are unprepared for the relentless wave of cyberattacks. 

That’s where Dynamic Application Security Testing (DAST) comes into play.

So, what exactly is this game-changing tool called DAST?

Dynamic Application Security Testing is the practice of actively examining a web application from the front end, mimicking attacks, and identifying shortcomings. 

Here’s a compelling insight from Gartner: Organizations that implement DAST into their security policies experience a thirty percent decline in the probability of security breaches. This underlines how important it is to set up cutting-edge security solutions like DAST to keep hackers at bay.

In this blog, we’ll explore the world of Dynamic Application Security Testing, its benefits, why it’s essential, and how you can implement it effectively in your organization. Let’s get started!

What is DAST?

Dynamic application security testing (DAST) is a method of AppSec testing in which testers examine an application while it's running without knowing its internal interactions or designs at the system level. They have no access to or visibility into the source program. 

This "black box" testing evaluates an application's operating state and reactions to simulated attacks performed by a testing tool.

The following are the application's reactions to these simulations, which aid in identifying its vulnerability and potential susceptibility to a malicious attack:

  • Responses to simulated attacks
  • Observations from the testing tool

Benefits of DAST

Dynamic application security testing (DAST) has numerous advantages for development and security teams. By employing DAST tools, teams can improve their application security and simplify their testing processes.

Here are some of its benefits:

  • Low false positives, high precision

DAST tools minimize false positives, which are incorrect vulnerability identifications. This saves resources by reducing unnecessary investigations and remediation efforts.

  • Frequent testing capability

Teams can run DAST frequently throughout the software development life cycle. By identifying and fixing vulnerabilities early, DAST tools help reduce remediation costs and time.

  • Detection of complex risks

DAST tools effectively detect complex security risks like SQL Injection (SQLi) and Cross-Site Scripting (XSS). They also identify vulnerabilities by using default admin credentials.

  • Detection of business logic attacks

DAST tools can detect business logic attacks that exploit flaws in an application's normal functioning. These attacks, which do not involve code injection or manipulation, are particularly challenging to detect.

How to successfully implement DAST?

Dynamic application security testing is a significant practice for maintaining potent application security. To effectively implement DAST, follow these key steps:

Here are the ways to implement DAST:

  1. Regularly Schedule DAST:

Conducting DAST regularly is crucial because vulnerabilities can emerge at any time due to code changes. Regular testing helps catch and address these vulnerabilities promptly.

  • Ensures continuous security monitoring
  • Detects new vulnerabilities early
  1. Use Multiple Tools:

No single tool can catch all vulnerabilities, so using multiple dynamic application security testing tools increases coverage. Different tools excel in identifying various types of vulnerabilities.

  • Comprehensive vulnerability detection
  • Reduces the risk of missed vulnerabilities
  1. Prioritize High-Risk Areas:

Focus your DAST efforts on high-risk areas such as authentication and authorization mechanisms. These areas are common targets for attackers.

  • Enhances security in critical application areas
  • Reduces the risk of high-impact breaches
  1. Test Both Authenticated and Unauthenticated Scenarios:

Perform DAST both when the application is accessed with and without authentication. This ensures all potential vulnerabilities are discovered.

  • Comprehensive security coverage
  • Protects against both internal and external threats
  1. Integrate with Development Process:

Embed DAST solutions into your development pipeline to catch vulnerabilities early. This proactive approach prevents security issues from making it into production.

  • Early vulnerability detection
  • Smoother and more secure deployment processes
  1. Test APIs:

Pay attention to APIs, as they can also have vulnerabilities. Include API testing in your DAST routine to ensure complete application security.

  • Secures API endpoints
  • Reduces the risk of data breaches through APIs
  1. Use a Combination of Automated and Manual Testing:

Automated testing quickly identifies many vulnerabilities, while manual testing is required for complicated issues. This dual approach ensures thorough security testing.

  • Identifies a broader range of vulnerabilities
  • Addresses issues that automated tools might miss
  1. Test Different Environment Configurations:

Check your application under various configurations, such as web servers and browsers. Some vulnerabilities only appear in specific environments.

  • Uncovers environment-specific vulnerabilities
  • Enhances overall application resilience

Following these steps will enable you to efficiently implement DAST solutions and significantly boost your application's security posture. By utilizing dynamic application security testing technologies and incorporating them into your procedures, you can maintain a secure and resilient application environment.

ResilientX:  Elevate Your Dynamic Application Security Testing

ResilientX is your trusted partner for achieving top-notch application security. Our Unified Exposure Management Platform combines various advanced security measures to provide comprehensive protection for your applications. Here’s how ResilientX aligns with dynamic application security testing (DAST):

  1. Unified Exposure Management (UEM) for Real-Time Attack Surface Monitoring:
  • Proactive Security: Keep a close eye on the attack surface of your application to spot and fix vulnerabilities as they appear.
  • Comprehensive Coverage: Make sure your application is secure in every way to lower the possibility of security breaches.
  1. Automated Web Application Security Testing for Proactive Vulnerability Management:
  • Frequent Testing: Automate DAST to run indefinitely, detecting vulnerabilities early and frequently throughout the development lifecycle.
  • High Precision: Make use of sophisticated algorithms to reduce false positives so that your team is only concentrating on real risks.
  1. Third-Party Risk Management (TPRM) to Minimize Vendor Vulnerabilities:
  • Vendor Security: Assess and manage the risks linked to third-party vendors to prevent them from introducing vulnerabilities into your application.
  • Holistic Protection: Merge TPRM with DAST to deal with all bases, including internal code and external dependencies.


Testing for dynamic application security is a ground-breaking defense against cyberattacks. By simulating actual assaults, you can find vulnerabilities that you might miss otherwise. DAST can therefore effectively reduce false positives while recognizing advanced threats and business logic attacks, hence strengthening your security posture. As such, developing a strong defense mechanism that adapts to your application is the key to implementing DAST. Therefore, the key to success is to prioritize high-risk regions, use several tools, test frequently, and incorporate security testing into your development process.

Ready to boost your application security? ResilientX has got you covered. With our unified exposure management platform, you’ll benefit from comprehensive, real-time monitoring and automated DAST for proactive vulnerability management.
Don't wait until it's too late - secure your applications today with a free demo from ResilientX.

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