Security Blog

What is External Network Penetration Testing?


Are you aware of the potential risks associated with external network breaches? Cybercriminals are constantly developing new techniques to infiltrate your business's network, putting your sensitive data at risk. This is why it is crucial to conduct regular external network penetration testing. In this blog post, we will explain what external network penetration testing entails and how it can help safeguard your company against these threats. Get ready to learn from the experts!

What is External Network Penetration Testing?

External network penetration testing is a process of assessing the security of a computer system or network by simulating an attack from outside the organization. The goal of external network penetration testing is to identify weaknesses and vulnerabilities in the system or network that could be exploited by an attacker.

External network penetration testing can be conducted using a variety of tools and techniques, including port scanning, vulnerability scanning, password guessing, and social engineering. External network penetration tests are typically conducted from a remote location, such as the attacker's home or office.

External network penetration testing can be used to assess the security of any system or network that is accessible from the Internet. However, it is particularly important for organizations that have public-facing servers, such as web servers or email servers. External network penetration testing can help organizations to identify and fix potential security vulnerabilities before they are exploited by attackers.

Why is External Network Penetration Testing Important?

External network penetration testing is important because it helps identify vulnerabilities in an organization's network that could be exploited by attackers. By conducting a thorough assessment of an organization's external network, penetration testers can help organizations find and fix potential security weaknesses before they are exploited.

In today's increasingly connected world, it is essential for organizations to secure their networks against external threats. By conducting regular external network penetration tests, organizations can ensure that their networks are as secure as possible and minimize the risk of being breached by attackers.

Who Performs External Network Penetration Tests?

External network penetration testing is typically performed by third-party security firms. These firms specialize in conducting security assessments and have the necessary tools and expertise to carry out a thorough test.

When selecting a firm to perform an external network penetration test, it is important to choose one that has experience with your type of business and network infrastructure. The firm should also be able to provide a detailed report of their findings, including recommendations for remediation.

What are the Steps in an External Network Penetration Test?

1. PLANNING AND PROJECT SCOPE: Identify the goals of the penetration test and the systems to be tested.

2. RECONNAISSANCE & INFORMATION GATHERING: Perform reconnaissance on the target systems to identify potential vulnerabilities.

3. SEARCH FOR VULNERABILITIES: Develop an attack plan based on the information gathered during reconnaissance.

4. VULNERABILITY EXPLOITATION: Launch attacks against the target systems and attempt to exploit identified vulnerabilities.

5. RECOMMENDATIONS & REPORTING: Collect data from the target systems and assess the results of the penetration test.

How to Prepare for an External Network Penetration Test

If you're looking to have your external network penetration tested, there are a few things you can do to prepare. First, it's important to understand what an external network penetration test is and what it entails. This type of test is conducted from outside your organization's network, simulating real-world attacks. The goal is to identify any vulnerabilities that could be exploited by an attacker.

Once you have a clear understanding of what an external network penetration test is, you can start preparing for the test itself. First, you'll need to gather information about your network. This includes documenting all external IP addresses, systems, and services. You'll also need to identify which systems are critical and which can be considered lower priority. This information will help the testing team determine where to focus their efforts.

Next, you'll need to create a list of potential testers. These should be people with the necessary skills and knowledge to conduct the test effectively. Once you have your list of testers, reach out and schedule a time for the test. It's important to give the testers enough time to prepare so that the test can be conducted smoothly and efficiently.

Finally, make sure you're prepared for the aftermath of the test. This includes having a plan in place for fixing any vulnerabilities that are found. You should also have a system in place for monitoring your network for future attacks. By taking these steps, you can ensure that your organization is as secure as possible against external threats.

External Network Penetration Testing Tools

There are a number of different tools that can be used for external network penetration testing. Some of the more popular ones include:

- Nmap: This is a free and open-source tool that can be used for network exploration, management, and security auditing. It can be used to scan for vulnerable open ports on systems.

- Metasploit: This is a free and open-source framework that can be used for developing and executing exploit code. It contains a large database of exploits for various software vulnerabilities.

- ResilientX Continuous Security Testing Platform: This is a commercial tool that can be used for conducting comprehensive external network penetration tests. It has a wide range of features and capabilities, making it a powerful tool for testers.


External network penetration testing is an important security practice that should be carried out on all systems for maximum protection. By understanding what external network penetration testing is and how it works, organizations can identify potential weaknesses in their networks before they become exploited by malicious actors. We hope this article has provided you with a comprehensive overview of the topic so that you can make informed decisions about your organization's cybersecurity posture.

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