Security Scroing for Modern Insurance Providers

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Abstract background with smooth, colorful wave patternsKeep Monitoring and Notifying your Supplier on Potential Risks

Automate third party risk assessment

No Impact
No Questionnaire ​
No More Long Processes

Streamline cyber security evaluations without intrusive questionnaires or lengthy procedures.

Bulk Import
Bulk Scan
Bulk Export

Enhance your workflow with mass data handling, swift scanning, and bulk outputs.

Comprehensive Results

Connect effortlessly with diverse platforms through ready-to-use APIs and receive detailed, in-depth results for improved decision-making.

Integrate Seamlessly

ResilientX Security is super easy to integrate into other platforms, security products and legacy systems

We Make It Happen


ResilientX Cyber Exposure Management is a comprehensive solution designed to help organizations identify, manage, and reduce their cyber exposure. Similar to an Attack Surface Management (ASM), it provides a holistic view of an organization’s digital infrastructure, including servers, cloud, applications, technologies, services, and other internet-facing digital assets.


By leveraging our Cyber Exposure Management solution, insurance providers can gain an in-depth understanding of an organization's cyber risk profile. With continuous monitoring and dynamic risk assessments, insurers can make more informed decisions when setting insurance premiums, ensuring they reflect the true risk level of the organization's digital infrastructure. This means fewer surprises and more predictability for the insurance industry.

For organizations seeking insurance, our Cyber Exposure Management tool acts as a proactive shield against potential vulnerabilities. By identifying and mitigating threats in real-time, organizations can ensure they maintain a lower risk profile. This not only increases their cyber defense capabilities but can also lead to more favorable insurance terms and premiums. Empower your organization with the tools to not just identify but to actively combat cyber threats.

Ready To Use Solution

Cyber Exposure Management can help Cyber Insurance Providers to assess risk score of a company with only one Domain address!

Cyber Exposure Managment Report

Comprehensive Report

Our Comprehensive Report provides a detailed insight into a company’s risk landscape, enabling you to set precise premiums and make well-informed decisions with ease.

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