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Manage Vulnerabilities With Confidence

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Discover. Prioritize. Remediate

Security Testing and Management doesn’t need to be complicated. 

+140K Vulnerabilities

Dive deep into a vast database of over 140,000 vulnerabilities for comprehensive security assessment.

No Agent

No more Agent installation. 1 VM can scan your entire network and you can manage everything on the cloud

Prioritized Action Plan

Take decisive action with a tailored plan that highlights the most pressing security concerns.

Your organization's external network is the frontline against cyber threats. With our solution, you can proactively scan and evaluate vulnerabilities outside your network's confines. Get insights into potential entry points and weak spots that hackers might exploit. Ensure that your first line of defense is robust, updated, and ready for any external challenge.

Sometimes, threats arise from within. With our internal network vulnerability assessment, scrutinize every aspect of your intranet, from servers to individual workstations. Discover overlooked configurations, outdated software, or potential insider threats. Secure the heart of your operations and create a resilient environment that's shielded from both external and internal vulnerabilities.

In today's digital age, web applications form a crucial part of any organization's online presence. Ensure your apps remain free from threats with our comprehensive security testing. We check for common vulnerabilities like SQL injections, CSRF, XSS, and more. Plus, with our continuous monitoring, stay ahead of emerging threats and ensure your applications deliver not just functionality but also security.

Knowledge is power, and our platform empower you to perform penetration testing without hassle.  Simulate real-world cyber-attack scenarios to gauge the effectiveness of your defenses. By actively trying to "break into" your own systems, you can identify weak spots before actual attackers do. Resilient's penetration testing goes beyond mere detection, providing actionable insights and recommendations to bolster your defenses against future attacks.


Empower your organization with a two-pronged approach to cybersecurity. First, our Vulnerability Assessment dives deep into your IT infrastructure, networks, and applications, systematically identifying potential weak spots, from outdated software to misconfigurations. Knowledge is your first line of defense, allowing you to act proactively.

Following closely, our Penetration Testing ensures that knowledge is put into action. By simulating real-world cyber-attack scenarios, we evaluate the resilience of your existing defenses. This hands-on approach pinpoints exactly how attackers might exploit identified vulnerabilities, giving you a comprehensive view of your security posture.

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